Wednesday 17 September 2014



I am working in a group of four pupils with Lily Stoj, Charlie Walker and Oliver Davies. We have decided to pick  Brief 7 (video), the opening sequence of a new film including titles, in any genre or mix of genres such as a comedy or thriller together with a storyboard. Maximum length: three minutes.

In our group we discussed the genre of film we are deciding to do and have thought about doing a horror opening. We have even decided casting and which members of our group will portray which characters. 

Wednesday 10 September 2014


ZEN is a television crime drama based in Italy.

We can see many Italian references such as the close up of Italian architecture and the colour scheme of the opening matching those of the Italian flag: red, white and green.

We can see how it is a crime drama through different silhouette of guns and and figure hiding around corners and looking as if they are spying on people. Keys and handcuffs also appear throughout the opening and the sequences are fast paced and dramatic to show it as being a serious crime drama series.

We also see a whole line of fiat cars appearing in the opening which are an Italian make referencing the Italian setting.

The sign of the Italian police is seen in a close up inscribed on the building continuing to show how the series is a crime drama and relates to the police.