Thursday, 5 December 2013


The Inbetweeners is a popular British comedy which revolves around a group of four, juvenile friends growing up together in a common, typical suburban environment. The show has a variety of audience pleasure which are used to captivate different audiences and allow them to enjoy the show.

One example of this is from the fifth episode of the third season. An audience pleasure used is typical companies or brands such as Wikipedia or Twitter being turn into a comedic joke, such as when one of the boys states: "Who things of these names?". This send up of well none sites is funny for the audience as they can relate to them since they have probably experienced or know about such sites.

Another example is the unexpected story developments which come along throughout certain characters. A characters personality might suddenly change drastically or say something unexpected that shocks the audience such as the head of Sixth Form "hitting" on one of the boys mother and asking him if she is into "internet dating". This is a great example of how the show is able to take real life, mundane situations such as talking with your head of year into crazy, comedic moments which catch the audience of guard.

One of the main characters, who acts like a care-free, trouble making delinquent, ends up showing great remorse after intentionally killing a squirrel who he thought was "taking the piss" out of his driving.

Another audience pleasure is the use of "youthemism" throughout the series. The characters all have cynical outlooks on life and are almost always seen causing trouble. This take on British youth could relate to other teenagers experiences or even those of the old who see this show as a way of looking back at their teenage years. Each character is unique, funny and has personality that could all relate to certain people.

All in all, the show uses a wide variety of fun, quirky jokes, nostalgic teen behavior and unexpected moments to engage their audience.

I have put a link of the episode below: